Friday 22 July 2011

Marcus Bentley Confirms Return Of The Eye

Marcus Bentley has taken to twitter to say he has seen the eye for the up and coming series of Big Brother on Channel 5.Marcus said he had been doing a voice over for a Channel 5 advert and whilst he was there he saw an eye for the new series. 
"Just came out of Channel 5 after doing a load of exciting VoiceOver for Big bro. The new eye looks amazing as do the promos!"
This rubbishes rumours that Channel 5 had dropped the eye and replaced it with this new logo. Whilst the logo may still be used we are now certain an eye is also on its way. This will be good news to the 82% of you  who voted in our poll that you would like to eye to return.
Marcus Bentley also said Big Brother would start on August 17th.
Confirmation of the launch date, live feed and the eye is expected immanently. 

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