Wednesday 13 July 2011

'Wicked' Eye Coming Soon!

A reporter for The Daily Star has hinted on twitter that the eye for the next series of Big Brother will be revealed soon.
Peter Dyke who has worked for The Daily Star for a very long time, has numerously released accurate information about up and coming series in the past.
He posted on Twitter - 
'This is Big Brother: Eye spy with my little eye… something “wicked” this way comes very soon.’
As the tweet suggests, it seems that Peter has knowledge of the release of the eye as well the theme it could reflect. So, with the eye coming 'soon', it shouldn't be too long before we get to see what it'll look like!
Ten days ago Peter Dyke also tweeted - 
'To all BB fans. Some BB news coming very soon… “Big Brother house this is XXXXXXX …. I’m coming to get you” !!!!!!’
There are 7 X's in which the names 'Vanessa' (Feltz) or 'Myleene' (Klass) fit into. These were names previously rumoured to be in line to present Big Brother. It looks like we'll be getting some official news soon! What do you think?
P.S Sorry for the downtime recently. Circumstances out of our control prevented access to the site. Sorry.

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