Saturday 20 August 2011

iPod's Allowed In House?

In a slip-up on last night's highlights show, Amy Childs was heard asking for Bobby Sabel's iPod.
In previous series, housemates were only allowed to take the bare essentials into the house with them. However, in last nights highlights show Amy Childs asked Boddy Sabel - 
"Where's you iPod?"
Bobby Replied
"In my bag"
This seemingly confirms housemates were allowed to take iPod's into the house. Futhermore, if housemates have an iPod Touch, they could read books, play games, watch films or even worse access the internet.
View the video below - 
Thanks to BigBrotherExtra for the video!

This of course goes against the number one rule of Big Brother - 'No Contact With The Outside World.
Were we not meant to find out about this? Is this why there's no live feed? Comment Below! 

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  1. Housemates wouldn't be able to access the internet. The only way they could access the internet would be through Wi-Fi, and this would probably be password protected. if they had a iPod touch in the house.

  2. The BB House is in a residential area - it's possible there could be unprotected networks about. Masses of clothes, iPods - what is going on with this year's BB. Not enjoying it as much as I should be.
