Thursday 1 September 2011

Ofcom Receive 82 Complaints Over Bobby

Ofcom has today revealed it has received 82 complaints about Bobby's sweat prank during the 'Wizard Of Ozz' task last week.
As an 'Alice' in the task, Bobby had to grease the Tin man played by Darryn when a squeaking noise was played by Big Brother. Bobby then decided to play a 'prank' on Darryn taking himself off to the sauna to get sweaty! He then put his droplets of sweat into his watering can which Darryn would later have to drink out of. This sparked 82 individual viewers to complain to Ofcom about the incident. An Ofcom spokesman said it was 'assessing the complaints against the Broadcasting Code' while it decided wether Bobby's behaviour constituted bullying or not.
Channel 5 recently released this statement - 
‘Bobby has spoken to Big Brother about what he did to Darryn. He is remorseful and has now apologised.
Do you think this is bullying? Should Bobby be removed from the house? Tell us below! 
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