Tuesday 2 August 2011

Eatock Publishes Alternative BB12 Logo

Creator of the iconic Channel 4 Big Brother eye logo, Daniel Eatock, has released his alternative version of the BB12 identity via his official website.

Daniel Eatock created his first eye design for Big Brother’s second series in 2001 and his work has been used on the show until last year. Based on the classic Eatock eye-template his latest version is inspired by the Rorschach test.

The Rorschach test, or “inkblot test”, is “a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex scientifically derived algorithms, or both.” (Thank you wikipedia – full article.)

Channel 5 dropped Eatock’s classic Big Brother eye design in favour of work by their in-house design team and graphic media company Hello Charlie.

What do you think of this version of Eatock’s eye? Would you prefer this to be used as the branding for the new series or are you quite used to the new Channel 5 version? Let us know below.

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  1. I think I actually prefer the C5 one to that!

  2. I love the concept behind the Eatock eye and I can imagine that Hello Charlie would have been able to build a great visual ID around it. I think had this been developed then colour would have been added and in the titles it would probably have been laid over an actual eye image BB6-style.

    I'd have preferred this approach to new BB, C5's work so far is too cheap and cheerful for me. I mean balloons in the photoshoot? It's the most well established reality show on TV not a kids birthday party! :D

  3. C5 logo looks cheep and tacky , probably representative of the entire show.
